9 Fail-Safe, Reusable Blog Post Ideas for Writers

4 April 2020
Blog Post Ideas for Writers
TextRoyal Blog 9 Fail-Safe, Reusable Blog Post Ideas for Writers

You have a deadline, and if you have to stare at that cursor blinking on a blank screen for one more second, you’re going to throw your laptop right out the window.

We get it, every writer and certainly every blogger has been there—those ever-elusive blog writing topics.

Sometimes the ideas for content come so fast and furious that you try to stifle the creative leak that has sprung because you’re exhausted from it. Other times, well, not so much. That’s the nature of the beast. We understand, having been there ourselves, so we’re here to arm you with some great blog writing ideas that will get that beast in line.

Out of Blog Topic Ideas? You’re In the Right Place.

So right about now, the realization that most of your hard-earned writing knowledge won’t do much for you when it comes to blogging is colliding with the fact that your idea well has run dry, and...

You may be an experienced writer, but blogging is a different animal, and you’re just getting started. Look at it this way: there is no such thing as the perfect blog post. No matter how many posts you see about how to craft one, you can’t. No one can. But you can get close.

So don’t panic. You got this.

We’re going to serve you up with nine blog post ideas that are just for writers; that is to say, crafted especially with your unique (dis)advantage in mind. Everything on the list is tested, tried and true, tons of fun to write about, and adaptable to present-day relevancy.

Added bonus? Every idea is infinitely reusable. With some cutting, pasting, and detail-specific tweaks you should be able to turn a book excerpt you posted two months ago into a heavily researched long-form piece about the coronavirus’s controversial history. If you niche up and down within each suggestion, you’ll soon have more topics to write a blog then you’ll be able to remember.

Without Further Ado: Here Are Your Productivity-Sustaining 9 Blog Topics for Writers 

1. Conduct social experiments

Delete all your social media, communicate only via telephone calls or handwritten letters for six months, live off the grid, or without some modern-day creature comforts. Write about the experience, what you learned, how it affected you, how it changed you, and share it with your readers.

2. Eavesdrop on conversations

If you can do so politely and discreetly, sit at a Starbucks, ride a bus or subway around town, sit at a busy cafe during lunch, or in a hair salon, or at the gym. Listen carefully and get inspired by the exciting and/or mortifying things you hear your fellow humans talk about.

3. Open up and get personal

Find a personal experience. If you’re willing to go there, find a personal failure. Share about what was difficult, what happened, what you did wrong, what you learned, and how your life is different because of it. Would you do anything differently? Or, vice versa, share about a personal success story. Be relatable and share what you learned. Pass your new-found wisdom and insights on to your readers.

4. A well researched and resource-heavy long-form piece

There’s solid research that shows people like long posts, and they’re shared more often, so don’t shy away. If you’re a novelist, try out a new plot idea or post an actual excerpt. Excerpts are fan favorites.

5. Use the blog as a journal

Be open and don’t hold back, but keep readability in mind. If you’re interested in connecting on a deeper level with your readers, this is a great way to do so. Journaling is an important tool used in self-improvement and recovery. If you’re willing to be authentic, a reader experiencing loneliness or isolation could be comforted by something you say.

6. Advice

Ask for it, or give it. This is admittedly tricky but can be fun if done without making people feel as if you’re telling them what to do.

7. Reviews

Share your insightful and well-thought-out reviews of a movie, book, restaurant, website, or a class you took for fun. Persuasive reviews can even turn into a decent side-hustle.

8. Interviews

This is a great category because it’s entirely at your discretion and the subject can be anyone of your choosing. Fun, serious, expository, revealing, the tone of the interview and the topics you dissect are only limited by your comfort level. Think about your readers and why they read you, and give them what they want.

9. The Rogue Blog

This is a personal opinion piece, sometimes known as “op-ed”, that goes against “traditional wisdom”. The views you express can be polarizing or divisive. Explain your stance with rational reasoning to invite respectful, intelligent dialogue with your readers via comments.

Now That You Have the Tools, One Question Remains...

Just the act of reading through that list got the wheels in motion, and your creative juices should be flowing. If you didn’t have ideas come to you as you were reading, don’t worry. Your brain is doing work in the background and should be sending some pop-ups your way pretty soon. Make sure they aren’t blocked.

Which idea are you going to blog about first?