6 Elements to Consider When Writing eNewsletters

23 December 2020
eNewsletters Elements
TextRoyal Blog 6 Elements to Consider When Writing eNewsletters

Historically, businesses have been using eNewsletters to connect with their clients and prospects. It's a tried and tested way of generating more business, getting referrals and building relationships.

Essential Tips for Putting Together the Perfect eNewsletter

With technology being dynamic and the uprise in blogging, the way eNewsletters are written has also changed. Here are six elements to consider when drafting eNewsletters that are fruitful.

1. Keep it Consistent

You have to be consistent when delivering eNewsletters to your subscribers. Prospects who make subscriptions expect deliveries in their inboxes on a set frequency. For instance, if a person subscribes to a weekly email, refrain from sending emails daily. If you do, chances are that they will unsubscribe from your list.

2. Be Resourceful

You can be resourceful by providing information that can be useful to your audience. Ultimately, this information will solve their problems and improve their life or business.

3. Share Your Intention

What's your intention when writing an eNewsletter and why would anyone subscribe to it? Your purpose here will define your audience and it will be easy to come up with content that is informative.

4. Be Concise

Normally, newsletters have many components such as promotions, articles, and announcements. However, to keep subscribers interested and for readability, the content should be as brief as possible. Links to blogs, websites, and landing pages should be utilized to lead subscribers to more information.

5. Use Video

The use of video should be relevant to your audience and target. The video can be motivating, educating or simply in a form of entertainment.

6. Call to Action

The call to action should be as clear as possible. Let your readers know what type of action you want them to take after reading the email. You can simply use words such as “sign up today”, “learn more” or “buy now”. Communicate with your readers using eNewsletters that are written professionally and are readable. They are still used by many businesses, is yours up to standard?